• Players must meet the age requirements for their age divisions.
Players must not age up before:
Feb 25 for Spring League
August 31st for Summer League
Sept 25 for the Fall League
Players do not need to have a usta membership any longer for FALL and SPRING Seasons.
It is now only a USTA Junior Team Tennnis League "Free" membership that is needed.
**SUMMER LEAGUE PLAY will still require a USTA Membership since players are eligible for National Championships.
Please click on our "USTA and JTT Membership" Link on this site located on our tab.
Foreign Players
Must be here legally (they have their visa, green card, etc.), have set up residency and are attending school. Home schooling is okay as long as it can be verified. Please be able to submit this information to Program Coordinator if asked. USTA membership is required.
10U Eligibility List
Please refer to the 10U eligibility list located to the right of this page.
If a player is labeled Orange, they must play Orange Ball level or above.
If a player is labeled "Green", they must play Green Ball level or above.
If a 10U player would like to bypass the 10U division, they can play in the 12U only if they have passed the 10s Youth Progression and thus we would go by their NTRP rating (not their 10U eligibility list rating).
Please note that a 10U cannot play in the 12U and up unless they have passed the USTA's Youth Progression process (See Youth Progression Tab).
Link to Look-up a WTN #(For Coaches):
Go to this site and look up a player by name or by their usta membership number:
Ratings will Change every 2 weeks normally on Monday or Tuesday
Player Level for Ratings
Novice Division Level 7 Tournament Players
Players have little or no prior tennis experience. These players should not have played in any tournaments except Novice level tournaments and should not have any ranking or points prior to the start of the season.
Intermediate Division Level 6 Tournament Players
Players can have some tennis experience. These players have participated in the league but should not have extensive tournament experience and should have not played in Open level junior tournaments.
Advanced Division Level 1-5 Tournament Players
Players have extensive tennis and tournament experience. These players would usually participate in Open level tournaments.
Team Level Declaration
Teams must declare their status level (Level 7, 6 or Level 1-5) when they submit their team into their local league at the beginning of their local league season.